So, you have an iPhone and wondering why others take good Instagram worthy pictures or awesome Facebook #OOTDs?

Let’s start with the basics.

Where will your iPhone camera take you?

It takes you to places beyond what you can imagine, if you know how to utilize it. Let’s explore #iphoneography!

We always think that when we have the best equipment, we get the best out of the photos, well, no. It always will start on photographer’s creative mind and ideas.

We will be talking about basic iPhone features and techniques that will definitely help you take outstanding photos.


Remember what Steve Jobs used to say, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Do not over complicate when you take pictures. Make sure it’s clean and relays the context you want your audience to get out from your photo.


Just like any photo, normal is chest level direct to the subject. Why not try to shoot from a low angle or high angle. Explore and find the best angle fits your subject. You know it better because it’s you who wants to tell a story.


To set focus, just simply tap the spot on the screen and the camera will take care of the rest. The difference is that when you tap on the subject, the background goes blurred. When you tap on its background, the object nearest your camera becomes blurred.

iPhone allows us to lock focus and exposure and what makes this essential is even if the subject is moving or lighting changes, focus and exposure remains.


If you want to take a great photo, walk towards it to take closer shot. What happens is it lowers the image quality if you will use zoom. You can crop during editing the unnecessary things included on the photo.


HDR stands for High Dynamic Range and refers to a scene that includes both bright and dark elements — the sun, reflecting off water, with deep shadows in the tree lines, or even a regularly lit person standing against the glare of an open window.

You can see the difference of the photo taken with and without HDR.


What’s good about taking burst shots is that you get to choose the best shot especially in a moving subject. Keep your finger on the button to enter burst mode where the camera will continue to take photos until you lift your finger.


Grids become very useful when you want to take photo in line with the horizon or any scenic concept of photography. Try it out and see it for yourself.




How do we enable geotagging?

Step #1. Go to Settings app → Tap on Privacy.

Step #2. Select Location Services.

Step #3. Tap on Camera.

Step #4. Tap on never.

Geotagging helps you remind where these photos were taken. It basically helps the user easy identify the location of the photo.


There you have it, I’ve shared to you the basic iPhone features, tips, and techniques to help you take awesome photos from your iPhone. But always remember, it will always boil down to photographer’s creative mind.




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